Cheese Milk: Composition & Quality, The Effects on Cheesemaking
Cheese Milk: Composition & Quality, The Effects on Cheesemaking
Putney, VT
Part 2 of The Cheese Milk Series Milk for cheesemaking is complex. Species, breed, stage of lactation, and farm management practices are just some of the factors that can create variety in milk and challenges for cheesemakers. Picking up where we left off with Production, Storage, & Transportatio…
Wednesday, April 14 2021
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Cheesemaking Practice: From Starter Cultures to Salting
Cheesemaking Practice: From Starter Cultures to Salting
Putney, VT
Cheesemakers follow several key steps to make curds ready for salting. The choices made at each step lead to the wide variety of cheese that we enjoy. Learn how to consider each step—from choosing fermenting cultures and rennet to taking wheels off the press—and how it impacts the cheese you want…
Wednesday, May 5 2021
1:00 PM
2:30 PM